Halstead/Halsted Family History
The Genealogy of those with the Halstead, Halsted and related surnames or given names
Welcome!This website provides information on the names HALSTED, HALSTEAD, HOLSTEAD, ALSTEAD, OLSTEAD and their variants together with their families, whether it be a surname or a given name. It is created from a master database maintained offline and does not knowingly include information on living people. The information will be refreshed from the master database on a regular basis. If you are interested in researching any of these names, use the search facility to access the substantial amount of worldwide information which represents the work of many researchers. In return, we encourage other researchers to include their information in our database. We are interested in extending the media collection so if you have picture/information that you would like to share with others then please contact us. The site is maintained by “The Halsted Trust”, a registered educational charity as part of its educational remit. Details of the Trust can be found on its own website (see the header above). The Halsted Trust is also now taking an active role in trying to better understand the evolution and migration of the surname using DNA. If you want to know more then follow the link above to the DNA Project above. If you notice anything wrong then please contact us using the link below. Contact Us