Halstead/Halsted Family History

The Genealogy of those with the Halstead, Halsted and related surnames or given names



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 #   Notes   Linked to 

--Source of information: "A Book of STRATTONS" (Vol 1, page 233); He went
to Ontario County, New York, 12 Mar 1812, was made ensign, and later
lieutenant, in Colonel A. Saxton;s Regt. In 1813 was promoted to Captain
in Colonel Peter Allen's Regt., 22d Infantry. Resigned before 1816. He
hasn't been located after this date.
STRATTON, Serajah (I33503)

--Source of information: "A Book of STRATTONS" (Vol 1, page 234); He
seems to be the first of the family to "go west". Taking his tools with
him he went across the country to Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Here he
worked at the carpenter's trade, living in Towanda, at the home of Ezra
and Ann RUTLEY, whose daughter, Rebecca RUTLEY, he married about 1796.
After their marriage they lived for awhile at West Burlington, and then
returned to Towanda. Here he bought a farm, and in company with his
brother Cephas, built a gristmill. In 1809 or 1810 a sawmill ws built;
"He was called Capt. Stratton. He was kind hearted, generous, and much
respected by his neighbors." (History of Towanda) Rebecca died in 1818.
No date of Martin's death has been found.
STRATTON, Martin Jr. (I33423)

--Source of information: "A Book of STRATTONS" (Vol 1, page 235); While
yet a young man he removed from Hartford County, Conn, to Bradford County,
Penn. He married Elizabeth HORTON about 1797, and lived on a farm near
Towanda until 1816, when they moved to Springfield, Ohio, where he died at
age 81 years.
STRATTON, Timothy (I33498)

--Source of information: "A Book of STRATTONS" (Vol 1, page 236); Came to
Bradford County, Pennsylvania, about 1790-1. He was a Captain in the war
of 1812, and about the close of the war removed with his family across tha
Alleghany Mountains into Ohio. He was married twice, the second occurring
on 10 Dec 1810.
STRATTON, Captain Calvin (I33502)

-Source of information: "A Book of STRATTONS" (Vol 1); The CASE family
lived in that part of the town (Simsbury) which later became Broomfield.
CASE, Samuel Sr. (I33463)

11 Jun 1710 is the birthdate given in Doty genealogy
Ardon Seaman gives death date as July 20, 1753.
Hinshaw's Quaker Records: Hannah acknowledged marring outside the Quaker
faith 7 Mo (Sept) 1733 [vol. 3, p. 408]
SEAMAN, Hannah (I30262)

1850 Census - NY, Kings Co, Brooklyn, 11th ward, p 287 - Joseph, 43,
cartman; Deborah, 43; Phoebe E, 20; Jane, 16, Mary, 16; Elizabeth, 14;
Edward, 7; Willet, 5.
HICKS, Joseph * 7 rub (I31950)

1850 Census - NY, Queens, N. Hempstead, p 50 - Smith, 47; Phebe M., 47;
Valentine, 17; Isaac J. 15; Hannah, 12; Sarah C., 10; Phebe A., 10;
Harriet, 5.
HICKS, Smith (I31948)

1850 Census- NY, Queens Co, Oyster Bay, p 214 - William S., 38; Esther,
35; Sarah J. W, 6.
HICKS, William (I31952)

4 Joseph OWEN II (1105), born 29 Jan 1684 at Simsbury, CT, died 29 Sep
1758 at Salisbury, CT (age 74). THIRD GENERATION

Joseph Owen II [3] (Joseph [2], John [1]), son of Joseph and Esther
(Osborn) Owen, was born January 29, 1685 at Simsbury, CT, and died
September 29, 1758 at Salisbury, CT, in his 74th year. (Salisbury records;
gravestone in Town Hill Cemetery at Lakeville, in Salisbury). He married
(1) Mary.........; and (2) about 1718, Ruth Woodworth, widow of Caleb
Fitch and daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Damon) Woodworth. His father
removed to Lebanon, CT about 1703.
Joseph Jr., resided there until about 1745, when he removed to Salisbury.
In 1709 Joseph enlisted in Captain Collins' company, Col. William
Whiting's regiment, to go on to an expedition againt Canada. He received a
bounty of 2 shillings. In 1709 Joseph Owen Jr., bought land in Lebanon. In
February 1727, the proprietors laid out to him common rights to land in
the village of Lebanon. In 1739 Joseph Owen Jr. conveyed land in Lebanon
to his oldest son David and in 1740 to his son Jonathan. On May 3, 1742
Joseph Owen and his wife Ruth of Lebanon sold and conveyed to Samuel Wslls
of Bolton, MA four of six shares and one-half of one share of 153 acres of
land laid out in the village common of Lebanon. On October 29, 1745
Joseph Owen of Lebanon sold and conveyed to Thomas Newcomb of Salisbury
his farm of about 200 acres, on which he then dwelt at Lebanon. On June 2,
1746 Thomas Newcomb of Salisbury, of 318 and 101 acres, on the dividing
line between Salisbury and Sharon, on the southerly side of the Four-Rod
Highway. On June 10, 1746 Joseph Owen, late of Lebanon, now of Salisbury,
conveyed to his sons David and Jonathan, late of Lebanon, now of
Salisbury. On June 18, 1757 Joseph Owen conveyed to David Owen of
Salisbury 300 acres on the south side of the highway from David Owen's
dwelling to Canaan and Sharon. On the same date he conveyed nine acres to
his grandson James Owen, son of David. (Lebanon and Salisbury records.)
In his will, dated August 10, 1758 and proved in 1758, Joseph Owen
mentions his wife (unnamed), his sons David and Jonathan, his daughters
Mary Jacobs, Esther Cole, Ann Culber, Rebecca Wright, Ruth Tupper, Mercy
Health, Lydia Tuttle, and Irene Blogget, also a granddaughter, Hannah
Health. (Sharon probate records.) Married Mary ?????? (1067). Married
second, about 1718, Ruth WOODWORTH (1454), born before 1718.
OWEN, Joseph Jr. (I33057)

6 SAMUEL, son of (2) William and Hannah (Pryer) Frost, b. Feb. 25, 1706,
lived Oyster Bay, and in the old Frost cemetery is a stone marked, "S.
F.," with no dates visible which doubtless belongs to him. He m. Keziah,
daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Townsend) Wright of Oyster Bay. Jacob was
the son of Job and Rachel Wright and grandson of Peter and Alice Wright
and Peter was the brother of Nicholas, both being immigrants. Jacob Wright
had a sister Rachel who m. Thomas Stokes and a sister Keziah, who m. at
the Westbury Friends' Meeting House John Burr of Northampton, Burlington
County, N. J., son of Henry and Elizabeth. These two sisters finally
moving to Pennsylvania, Jacob followed them there and m. as his second
wife Mary Richardson in 1728.
In 1734-5 Joseph and Samuel Frost convey meadow land at Unkaway to one
1749 Samuel was overseer of the highways.
In 1729-30 William Frost gives his brother Samuel land at "Unkaway now
Massapequa at ye south."
FROST, Samuel I (I34523)

A copy of the obituary that appeared in the Salina Journal, Salina, Kansas is in this writer's personal files.

Obituary obtained from the following newspaper. See transcription below.

Monday, 29 January, 2001

Goldie P. Radke
Goldie P. Radke, 74, Salina, died Saturday, Jan. 27, 2001, at her home.
Mrs. Radke was born Goldie P. Hardesty on Feb. 17, 1926 at Salina and was a lifetime resident. She was a homemaker.
She was preceded in death by a daughter, Barbara Radke.
Survivors include her husband, J. P. of the home; six sons, Phillip, Steve, Jerry, Terry and Jeff, all of Salina, and Randy of Bennington; four daughters, Sharon Darting of Leavenworth, Jody Mauck of Kansas City, Kan., Carol Millison of Salina and Debbie Redden of Junction City; two sisters, Freda Vogan and Ruby Crooks, both of Salina; 26 grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Roselawn Heights Memorial Chape l, 1920 E. Crawford, Salina 67401, the Rev. Bob Aills officiating. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Park, Salina.
Memorials may be made to Salvation Army, Salina.
Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to 8 p. m. Thursday at Roselawn Heights Memorial Chapel, Salina, where the family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday.

Aunt Goldie was always interested in hearing about the family history and she would attend the family reunions whenever they were held in Salina. 
HARDESTY, Goldie Pearl (I63239)

A database I am working with shows Zophar Smith as the child of Jonathan
Rock and Grace (Mott) Smith. This is not correct as numerous records show
these presumed parents to have been born more than a century prior to the
birth of Zophar.
SMITH, Zophar (I23706)

A power of attorney dated 19 Nov 1756 from Benjamin Treadwell of Great
Neck, Long Island, Surgeon, to his father stated; "Whereas I the said
Benjamin Tredwell (sic) Junior am bound on a Privateering Voyage against
the French on the Ship called the Hercules, commanded by Cap' Sam'l Bayard
in the Character of Surgeon...... I Do Aughtorize and Impower the Said
Benjamin Tredwell in my name and to my Use to Ask Demand Sue for Levy
Recover and Recieve of and from the Agent or Agents of the said Voyage and
Every other perosn or persons whomsoever into whose hands the same Shall
come and be in upon or by reason of the said Cruise or privateering
TREADWELL, Benjamin II, Physician (I38687)

Abigail Carman died shortly after her marriage. The probability is that
she died in childbirth.
CARMAN, Abigail (I25759)

Abigail Carman died while she was yet an infant.
CARMAN, Abigail (I26408)

Abigaile Doughty was a spinster.
DOUGHTY, Abigaile [youth] (I37837)

About 1801 or 1802 Joshua Carman boarded a ship bound for the West Indies.
The ship sank and all aboard drowned.
CARMAN, Joshua Sr., Doctor (I23562)

Abraham and Harriet (Griffen) Sickles had no issue.
GRIFFEN, Harriet (Griffing) (I36166)

Abraham Underhill was a farmer and Justice of the Peace and a Vestryman
of St. George's Episcopal Church in Hempstead, Long Island. [from: Frost,
Josephine C., Underhill Genealogy vol. 2-3, ([New York?] Published
privately by M.C. Taylor in the interests of the Underhill Society of
America, 1932), 2:82]
UNDERHILL, Justice Abraham (I28022)

Abram Frost was a bachelor.
FROST, Abram (Abraham) (I27482)

Abstracts of Wills Vol X 1780-1782, page 216:
Page 488.--I, HULDAH VALENTINE, of the Township of Hempstead, on Nassau
Island, being this 10th day of November, 1781, weak in health of body, but
understanding sound, altho ancient in years. I leave unto my two sons,
Richard and Phillip, three cows, paying all my charges of sickness and
funeral charges. Unto Phebe Crooker, daughter of my daughter Ruth, my best
cupboard and stand and two brass candlesticks, one small trunk, a half a
dozen silver tablespoons, silver tea tongs and milk pot. The rest of my
estate that was given to me by my husband, to Phebe Hendricks, Sarah
Crooker, Anna Smith, wife of James Smith, and Phebe Crooker, and Martha
Forster's children as much as either of my above-mentioned daughters, and
Black Sarah and the rest of my money and clothes to be equally divided
between Phebe Hendrickson, Sarah Crook, and Anna Smith, wife of James
Smith, my three daughters, and Phebe Crook and Martha Forster's children
equal with either of my three daughters. Unto David Valentine's, deceased,
two sons, George and Phillip, ¹50, to be in their uncles' (Richard
Valentine and Phillip Valentine) hands till the boys come of age. Unto
Abigail Valentine, daughter of David, ¹10; to James Valentine's four
daughters, ¹20. I make James Smith, Hendrick Onderdonck, John Williams,

Witnesses, John Williams, Samuel Searing, Richard Smith, yeoman. Proved,
March 25, 1782.
UNKNOWN, Huldah (I21590)

According to Davis, Norman in "Westchester Patriarchs..." Adam Smith
resided in Rye/Sawpit 1758 and was a Loyalist. Land siezed during
Revolution; removed to Canada.

He is listed as among the New Brunswick Loyalists. Wright, Esther Clark,
Loyalists of New Brunswick, (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada), p. 326.
SEAMAN, Adam Jr. (I30323)

Adam [3], older son of Adam [2] Mott, born 10, 10, 1734, was of Cow Neck,
(North) Hempstead, married 1755 Sarah Willis, and secondly, 1785, Abigail
Batty. He died 12, 18, 1790. His two sons Adam [4] and Samuel [4] both
left male issue. from: Harris, Edward Doubleday "The Descendants of Adam
Mott of Hempstead, Long Island, NY" [Lancester, PA: The New Era Printing
Co., 1906] Revised Edition, p. 7
MOTT, Adam IV (I28262)

Adelia E. Tredwell was living on 21 Sep 1840 and was probably a spinster.
TREADWELL, Adelia E. (I28696)

After Elizabeth Willets married Jarvis Pharo they remove to Springfield,
Burlington Co., NJ
WILLETS, Elizabeth (I29366)

After her marriag to Matthias Hervey, Mary Hawxhurst removed to Oyster Bay
with her sons, Nathaniel and Daniel, as well as her daughters who married
Townsends. I have not yet found the names of her daughters or their
23 Sep 2001 QLE
HAWXHURST, Mary (I20084)

After Mary Willets married Richard Ridgeway they removed to Springhill,
Burlington Co., NJ.
WILLETS, Mary (I29365)

Again I run into the cryptic "He d. s. p." and have no idea as to what
this represents. It is not listed in the abreviations use in the Long
Island records. Following that statement is "He enlisted on 14 Apr. 1758
in Capt. Alexander Smith's Co. of Suffolk Regt."
29 Jun 2001 QLE
BRUSH, Jonathan Jr. (I37473)

Alexander S. Coe lived at New Paltz, Ulster Co., NY
[from: Bartlett, J. Gardner, Robert Coe, Puritan: His ancestors and
descendants 1340-1910, (Boston, MA: privately published, 1911), 150.]
COE, Alexander (I30642)

Alfred Brush served in the War of 1812. In 1818 he was a Lieutenant of
Horse Artillery in the Westchester Militia.
There was no issue.
BRUSH, Alfred Lieutenant (I37618)

Alfred Carman enlisted on 13 Aug 1862 as a Corporal in Company H, 14
Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers. He was killed in battle.
CARMAN, Alfred (I36225)

Alma Carman was a spinster.
CARMAN, Alma "Almie" (I23752)

Alma Cronk died a spinster.
CRONKHITE, Alma "Amy" (I23891)

Amme (Amy or Ame) probably died while young.
DOUGHTY, Amme (I37839)

Amos Pine was a Loyalist and apparently died as a Tory while in captivity.
PINE, Amos (I26527)

Amosa and Mary (Carman) Grange had no issue.
CARMAN, Mary (I25915)

Amy Seaman was mentioned in will of her father, Jacob Seaman of Jericho,
Town of Oyster Bay, Queens [now Nassau] Co., NY.
Amy Seaman was mentioned in will of her father, Jacob Seaman of Jericho,
Town of Oyster Bay, Queens [now Nassau] Co., NY.
SEAMAN, Amy (I29901)

Andrew Bloodgood was a blind bachelor.
BLOODGOOD, Andrew (I25865)

Andrew Ward came to Massachusetts in 1630. He was a freeman at Watertown,
MA in 1634. He went to Wethersfield, CT in 1635, to Stamford in 1641 and
then to Stratford. He was one of the commissioners appointed by the
Colony of Massachusetts Bay to govern the Colony of Connecticut in
1635-36. He was a Magistrate in 1636 and 1637. He served as Deputy
General in CT. in 638, 1639, 1653-56 and 1658. He pressed men for an
expedition against the Dutch in 1653 and against the Narragansetts in
"The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy. Vol.1 First Families of
America, by Frederick A. Virkus, Chicago 1925.
WARD, Andrew Sr. (I38752)

Ann Doughty probably died young.
DOUGHTY, Ann (I37846)

Ann Elizabeth Peterson died while she was young.
PETERSON, Ann Eizabeth (I23199)

Ann H. Shutes died shortly after giving birth to her first child, a
daughter. The daughter died also.
SHUTE, Ann H. (Shutes) - 1st wife - (I35382)

Ann Hendry was of Cambridge, Queens Co.,N.B., Canada.
HENDRY, Ann (I33201)

Ann Kipp was the widow of William Dean.
COLES, Albert (I31129)

Ann Valentine was mentioned in her father's will, Ephraim Valentine of
Hempstead, Queens Co., NY, written 11 Apr 1759.
VALENTINE, Ann (I36630)

Ann Valentine was mentioned in her father's will, Ephraim Valentine of
Hempstead, Queens Co., NY, written 11 Apr 1759.
VALENTINE, Ann (I36964)

Anna b Aug 9 1746 married [1] Robert Ayers at Franklin Jan 1 1764. He was
born July 14 1738, d. July 6 1787. Married (2) Deacon David Beaman.
She died March 21 1816. All are buried at Rockaway, New Jersey.
JACKSON, Anna (I37246)

Anna Brace died while still young.
BRACE, Anna (I26951)

Anna Purdy died while an infant.
PURDY, Anna (I28213)

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