m. 29 Apr 1914
Birth |
14 Feb 1916 |
Sheep Creek Community, Sioux County, Nebraska, USA  |
Baptism |
19 May 1950 |
LDS Church, Torrington, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, USA  |
Death |
20 Mar 1992 |
Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming, USA  |
Burial |
23 Mar 1992 |
Morrill, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, USA  |
Spouse |
HALSTEAD, Charles Wileder | F13271 |
Marriage |
25 Nov 1939 [2, 3] |
Harrisburg, Banner County, Nebraska, USA [2, 3]  |
Notes |
- Morrill Mail, Morrill, Nebraska article - "FOGLE-WIDUP Mr. Chas Fogle and Miss Lydia Widup, both of Morrill, were married last Wednesday, April 29th, at the Baptist parsonage in Gering. Mr. and Miss Widup are well known here having lived on homesteads north of Morrill near Chalk Buttes for several years. A long, happy and prosperous wedded life is the wish of their host of friends, in which the "Mail" joins."
Sources |
- [S17614] File (merged): J:\JH-Family-History\Family-Historian7-Projects\Isaac-Halstead-1763\Isaac-Halstead-1763.fh_data\Isaac-Halstead-1763.ged, (OF NO USE - simply identifies for us when two Gedcom FIles have been merged).
Record originated in...
- [S17615] "350 Years of Halsteads In America".
- [S17644] "Eli & His Brother Thomas Parsons of Enfield, CT".