m. 17 Jul 1834
Birth |
29 May 1848 |
Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio, USA  |
Death |
25 Jun 1941 |
Oroville, Butte County, California, USA  |
Burial |
Schuyler, Colfax County, Nebraska, USA  |
Spouse |
HALSTEAD, Orange Billings | F13276 |
Marriage |
24 Sep 1867 |
La Rue, Marion County, Ohio, USA  |
Notes |
- Married by the Rev. Erastus Fulton, and lived in or near Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio.; ledger records of Marriages, p.32 #190 "Asa D. Campbell and Nancy Landon license to marry issued July 17th, 1834 by Z. Rown, Clerk. 2nd entry "Asa D. Campbell and Nancy Landon legally married on the 17th day of July 1834 by Erastus Fulton Minister of the Gospel"
Sources |
- [S17614] File (merged): J:\JH-Family-History\Family-Historian7-Projects\Isaac-Halstead-1763\Isaac-Halstead-1763.fh_data\Isaac-Halstead-1763.ged, (OF NO USE - simply identifies for us when two Gedcom FIles have been merged).
Record originated in...