Halstead/Halsted Family History
The Genealogy of those with the Halstead, Halsted and related surnames or given names
Surname List: Begins with (
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[no surname] " ( - 1 ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [ _ {
Show all surnames (sorted alphabetically) | Main surname page
All surnames beginning with (, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. (?) (1) 2. (BIRDSALL) (1) 3. (BROWN) (1) |
4. (COULSON) (4) 5. (CROSS) (1) 6. (HAIGHT) (1) |
7. (HALSTEAD) (1) 8. (LLOYD) (1) 9. (LYON) (1) |
10. (MARY) (1) 11. (N) (2) 12. (VRADENBURGH) (1) |