Halstead/Halsted Family History
The Genealogy of those with the Halstead, Halsted and related surnames or given names
Surname List: Begins with Y
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All surnames beginning with Y, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. YAGER (4) 2. YAGUDA (1) 3. YALE (1) 4. YANDELL (1) 5. YANICK (1) 6. YAPLE (1) 7. YAPLES (2) 8. YARD (1) |
9. YARGES (1) 10. YATES (49) 11. YEADON (8) 12. YEAMAN (1) 13. YELVERTON (1) 14. YEMM (1) 15. YEOMAN (2) 16. YEOMANS (1) |
17. YERKE (3) 18. YERKEY (2) 19. YERRY (1) 20. YETMAN (1) 21. YODER (19) 22. YOHE (13) 23. YORK (3) 24. YORKE (2) |
25. YORKS (1) 26. YOUMANS (1) 27. YOUNG (119) 28. YOUNG-GUNSEL (1) 29. YOUNGBLUTT (2) 30. YOUNGMAN (1) 31. YOUNGS (31) 32. YOUNIACUTT (1) |
33. YOUNKER (1) 34. YOUREX (2) 35. YOUSE (11) 36. YOUTSEY (1) 37. YUNKER (2) |